Every person is subject to energetic attachments which include, but are not limited to, entity attachments, psychic attacks, curses and unhealthy cord attachments. These energetic attachments drain your energy, motivation and confidence, causing dis-ease and depression. They can limit you from fully experiencing your highest potential, joy, love, health and wealth. A soul cleanse removes these energetic attachments as well as unnecessary and harmful beliefs, guilty feelings, obsessions and emotional blockages from your aura, energy field, mind and body leaving you feeling rejuvenated with a brighter, more loving and joyful outlook on life. Soul loss usually occurs as a result of trauma, shock or emotional pain. Pieces of yourself leave so that you “never have to experience that level of pain ever again.” You have also given a piece of yourself to every person you have ever had a relationship (family, friend, lover, co-worker) with. When the trauma occurs or a relationship ends, the missing pieces of the soul leaves you looking like a piece of Swiss cheese. Soul retrieval is a Shamanic technique used to heal these lost parts of yourself then reintegrate them with your body. The primary result is a sense of wholeness. Other results may include an increased sense of self-confidence, self love, peace and joy. This healing technique is for you if can answer yes to any of these questions: Have you ever experienced unexplained, temporary or sudden, changes in your physical health, energy level or sleep patterns? Have you ever experienced sudden mental confusion, unusual behavioral changes or not feeling like yourself? Have you experienced a string of bad luck when you thought everything was going so well? Have you recently experienced a traumatic experience? Have you ever ended an unhealthy relationship? Benefits of this service are: the ability to make better life decisions based on your own thoughts, beliefs and desires instead of unknown forces, feeling whole and happy, loving life, inner peace, mental clarity and an overall sense of well-being. The service is now included as a standard part of the Universal Reiki. See above.